「好想出國渡假呀~」是2020-2022年大家的共同心聲,在2022台灣國際咖啡展裡,漛果與ASTAR HUB共同打造了全場最酷的攤位—OATSIDE Tasting Club幻想假期列車。從入口處領取登機證開始,帶著每一天的特調咖啡到充滿南洋風情的角落拍張照,那一秒,你不在這裡;)
"I really wanna go abroad for vacation~" is the common aspiration of everyone in 2020-2022. At the 2022 Taiwan International Coffee Show, Dale Lo Design and ASTAR HUB created the coolest booth in the show - OATSIDE Tasting Club, Fantastic Holiday Train. Receiving the boarding pass at the entrance, and taking a photo with the daily specialty coffee at the corner full of Nanyang style, at that moment, you are not here but everywhere you want.
Photo credit |ASTAR HUB